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Karin McDonald조교수
  • 연락처
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  • 교수연구실
    경영관 L513
  • 전공 분야
  • 세부 연구분야
  • 학사학위 과정
    BA: Stanford University (1990)
  • 석사학위 과정
    MBA: University of Edinburgh (2001)
  • 경력
    2010 ~ Present: Assistant Professor, Dongguk Business School (Courses: Practical Leadership and Management, Business Persuasion and Negotiation)
  • 연구업적
    * Chun, S., Kim, H., Park, C., McDonald, K., Ha, O., Kim, D., & Lee, S. (2017). South Korean students' responses to English-medium instruction courses. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal, 45, 951-966.
    * McDonald, K., & Yoo, J. (2016). Engineering Free Trade in the Asia-Pacific. Journal of APEC Studies, 8(1), 1-10.
    * Start-up business consulting mentor, Dongguk business accelerator program (2013-2014).
  • 학교행정활동
    Committees (Services as a member on appropriate committees that engage in academic policy making and/or other decisions, e.g. service on department, college, or university committee): support AACSB committee in English language editing
    Extra curricular and/or advising (Participations in a variety of non-class activities such as directing extracurricular activity and/or providing academic and career advising): provide career and internship advice, and resume writing support; support international students in applying for graduate study in Korea

    Faculty Development (Participations in faculty development activities e.g. attend a teaching or research workshop or conference): Participated in Flipped Learning workshop and course design; attended teaching workshop on effectiveness in English-mediated classroom instruction

    Curriculum Development(Curriculum development e.g. individually and/or collectively developed a new course or new program in the last five years): Developed Practical Leadership and Management course, including framework for business conflict communications (Active Listening, Managing Down, Managing Up, Holding People Accountable) and feedback (Query-Clarify-Critique); Developed Business Persuasion and Negotiation course, including novel business cases for debate ("Who should control online contents?", "What should the NY School system to do achieve diversity in elite public schools?", "How should universities approach free speech on global campuses?") and negotiation ("Lego crisis task force responding to artists' use of blocks in political art", "Facebook's strategic policy choices in response to accusations of sexism and gender discrimination"); developed 3-day SCRUM workshop for global students building on Lego for SCRUM methodology; review and revamp curriculum to respond to employer needs, workplace evolution, and current global events
  • 경영현장활동
    Employment/Board of Director: Lead Consultant, Agency.com, Director of Digital Marketing, Scotsman.com;
    Director of Media, Scottish Courage Ltd.
    Consulting: Financial Times, the Economist, Compaq Computer Corporation, Nestle Corporation, Leaf International, Deere & Company, British Airways, Kimberly-Clark, Virgin Money Limited, Royal Bank of Scotland , RSM International, Standard & Poors, V&S Spirit AB, Beam Inc., Computer Curriculum Corporation